“Having a schedule and deadlines for essays, applications and other work, made it much easier for me to stay organized during the entire application process… If it weren’t for your help I would never be at this stage in my life.”

Jeb, Northeastern University



Planning and Monitoring 

During frequent meetings with the student, the EDUCATIONAL FUTURES team will discuss a variety of topics including course selection, grade goals, strategies for success, study habits, time management, and school and community involvement. School progress will be monitored as our consultants mentor the student to ensure that goals are being met and the student is developing an optimal record in all respects. In addition, our consultants will advise on a standardized testing plan, assist in the development of student’s resume, and recommend summer enrichment programs as appropriate. 

Assessment and Recommendations   

To establish a framework for educational planning, the student will complete our questionnaire along with several personal and career assessments to explore personal goals, values, personality, and career interests. The results will be summarized in a unique Future Planning Report and discussed in detail with the family. The Report will assist in identifying potential majors and types of colleges for the student.

Preparing for College/University Admissions

While we continue to monitor the student’s progress with a focus on goal setting, study habits, time management, standardized testing and extracurriculars, we also turn our attention to college admissions. A carefully researched list of colleges and universities will be provided, and the student will be asked to research colleges to inform themselves and take ownership of the future planning process. During this phase, we will also advise on letters of recommendation, campus visits, personal interviews and communication with admission officers. 

Application Assistance & Support 

The summer between junior and senior years is an important time for completing college application tasks. Our team will assist the student in developing an activities list, brainstorm and provide feedback on the primary Personal Essay and supplemental essays required by individual colleges. All college applications will be reviewed before submission. A maximum of twelve applications and associated essays will be reviewed, and adherence to deadlines will be monitored.

Our consultants will also advise on strategies for EA, ED and Regular Decision applications and will work closely with students throughout senior year, including advice on deferrals and waitlist situations if necessary. Ongoing support is available through mid-September when the student is settled in college.